Grading Methodology

Every spring, students statewide in grades 3 through 8 and grade 10 are tested in the subjects of math and English language arts (ELA). The results of those tests are reported on the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) website.

Students earn a score in each subject ranging from 220 to 380. KSDE has developed a “cut score” system for translating those scores into four performance categories. Cut scores vary by grade level and are different for math and ELA but they do not vary from year to year.

These tables show how KSDE distributed scores starting in 2015, followed by the description for each level.

Level 1 indicates a student is performing below grade level and needs remedial academic attention.

Level 2 indicates a student is performing at grade level with basic understanding but needs to attain a higher skill level for college/career readiness.

Level 3 indicates a student is performing at grade level with effective understanding and is on track to be college/career ready.

Level 4 indicates a student is performing at grade level with excellent understanding and is on track to be college/career ready.