
Establishing letter grades based on cut scores is the first step in calculating the letter grades presented on the “A-F Grading for Kansas Schools.” The second step is to get grade level data for every school and assign each grade level within a school four separate grades based on the average scale score for each of these categories:

  • Math results for low income students
  • Math results for all other students
  • ELA results for low income students
  • ELA results for all other students

The next step is to calculate an average for those grades based on a four-point scale:

  • A – 4 points
  • B – 3 points
  • C – 2 points
  • D – 1 point
  • F – O points

Finally, that arithmetic average is translated back into one letter grade based on these ranges:

  • A – 3.5 to 4.0
  • B – 2.50 to 3.49
  • C – 1.50 to 2.49
  • D – 0.50 to 1.49
  • F – Below 0.5

1. A high school (only 10thgraders are tested) has the following four results:

9 (total points)/4 (grades)= 2.3 GPA            Overall school grade – C


2. An elementary school (3rd, 4th, 5thgrades tested) has the following 12 results

34 (total points)/12 (grades) = 2.8 GPA                Overall school grade – B